Wednesday, 27 November 2013

I Accrue, Therefore I Am: Progress Update

November has been a very busy month. Prior to the start of the month, I was considering participating in NaNoWriMo (National Novel Writing Month), but with the need to split my time between work, writing the PhD, and line developing for Cubicle 7, I thought better. I'm glad to say, however, that I've had some good success in each of these areas.

The PhD goes well. I've got the first few chapters of my novel written, I've got a working title, and I'm preparing to send the work off to my supervisor for comment. So, yes, definite progress in that department--and it's been very enjoyable as well. I love how fiction writing is such a 'fluid', some might say organic, process. More on that later.

And Ia! Ia! Overnight the Cthulhu Britannica: London Boxed Set kickstarter smashed past the £50,000 stretch goal. Thus, more eldritch awesomeness is heading to backers and the Campaign Book that will be produced alongside the boxed set just keeps growing! One of my favourite elements of the Kickstarter--a collection of large-format cards detailing London locations, NPCs, Mythos threats, and some other stuff I can't even talk about yet--is getting closer to being a reality at £65,000. So the project moves from strength to strength.

As well, this last week the bonus scenario for Oscar Rios' Golden Goblin Press kickstarter for Islands of Ignorance: The Third Cthulhu Companion was sent to backers. I wrote the scenario 'Owlglass' specifically for backers of the GGP kickstarter and, as always, it was a thorough pleasure to work with Oscar. It was an interesting writing gig: backers at a certain stretch goal and above voted for the author they would like (thank you, folks!) to write a survival scenario taking place on a boat and investigating a strange artefact on board. It was great fun to write and I hope the backers are pleased with this deadly little piece.

So, the title of this blogpost is 'I Accrue, Therefore I am' and that essentially describes my writing life at the moment. There are a lot of things going on and I am doing my best to build each project through a process of accrual--little steps, little additions, adding to a larger whole. Were I to have more time, I would normally focus on one project at a time, but given the situation, I accrue. And, I'm happy to say, it's working well for me so far.

In the next post, I'll focus more on the exciting Cthulhu Britannica: London project and give you a sneak peek of what backers can expect. In the meantime, here are a few art pieces that have been attached to the project and give you a flavour of what to expect. Cheers!

Box design: Jon Hodgson

Art: Scotty Neil

Monday, 11 November 2013

Wee Update: Cthulhu Britannica: London Kickstarter

Not been blogging much since I've been caught up with writing for the PhD and with preparations for the Cthulhu Britannica: London kickstarter. Tomorrow--November 12--is the launch and we are very excited to see how things go. Fingers-crossed we will get funded and be able to produce a lovely box set which will include all sorts of weird and wonderful things.

For now, back to the grindstone!